

Administrator Guides

Getting Started Guide Introduces you to installing and running the server in standalone and domain modes, how to deploy a data source, and how to use the Web Management Interface and Command Line interface to manage the server.

Admin Guide A complete guide to configuring and administering the application server.

High Availability Guide A guide to how to create a cluster, how configure the web container and EJB container for clustering, and show to configure load balancing and failover.

Developer Guides

Getting Started Developing Applications Guide Introduces you to writing simple Java EE 6 applications and deploying them to the application server. Each tutorial is accompanied by a quick-start sample application. Finally the guide shows you how to create your own application skeleton.

Developer Guide A complete guide to all deployment descriptors and APIs available in the application server.

Java EE Tutorial A complete guide to developing Java EE 6 applications for JBoss AS.

JBoss and JBoss Community

To replace this page set "enable-welcome-root" to false in your server configuration and deploy your own war with / as its context path.

文章來自:愛情出租酒店公關小姐辛酸甘苦談 http://www.ibeauty.tw/documentation.html

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本文出自:愛情出租酒店公關小姐辛酸甘苦談 http://www.ibeauty.tw/documentation.html

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酒 店上班時間: 下午2點起~凌晨6點。時段 彈性// 暑假打工短期 // 兼職 長期正職 //



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