
Our Staff

Pastor Tony Butler:


I was born in 1954 in Tokyo, Japan and had two loving parents. I am the youngest of two boys. I have an awesome godly wife, Sabrina, to whom I have had the privilege of enjoying and cherishing for 32 years. I am also blessed with a son, Joshua, and two daughters, Tonya and Kimberly.  Joshua is living in Kosovo (Eastern Europe) and is working under Operation Mobilization and is promoting the arts (music, drama, dance and art) as a tool for ministry. Tonya is married to Aaron Horne and has brought three beautiful granddaughters and two grandsons into our lives, Irene, Petra, Ezra, Zoe and David.  My daughter Kimberly is now married to Trey Brown. He is a wonderful Son-in-law and Sabrina and I love him. All three of my children love the Lord Jesus Christ and are committed to Him, which is the greatest blessing parents can have.

I was saved in the spring of 1976 and went to bible college in the fall of the same year.  I met my wife at college and I graduated in 1979. I served as an Assistant Pastor to Rev. John Nussbaum at Dunedin Alliance Church, one of the two heroes of my life.  He was the most loving pastor I have ever known, and is now with His precious Jesus.

I have been the Sr. pastor of "Fountain of Grace" church (Christian and Missionary Alliance) since November of1985. I have grown up in the church with the rest of the congregation.    

 Check out the Pastor's Corner for more information and valuable links



Josh with Pastor Tony and Sabrina



Pastor Phil Leistner: 


 Pastor Phil Leistner has been Associate Pastor at Fountain of Grace since 2001. He was born in 1961 in Longview, Texas. He was blessed with Christian parents, and came to Jesus Christ at the age of 5. He and his wife Darlene met at Toccoa Falls College in northeast Georgia. Pastor Phil graduated from college and got married on the same day in 1983. They have 3 girls; Tabitha, Twila Joy and Arielle Fe.

Pastor Phil has been involved in various ministries in Alabama since 1986. Before coming to Prattville, he was director of Poplar Point Camp in Rockford, Alabama. As Associate Pastor, he administrates many of the ministries at Fountain of Grace. He has oversight of the youth and children’s ministries. He also plans and leads annual missions trips to Peru.


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